Sunday, November 26, 2017

Part 9 - Event Handler Attachment - on, off and one methods

Event Handler Attachment - on (), off () and one () methods
  1. .on( events [, selector ] [, data ], handler ): Attach an event handler function for one or more events to the selected elements.
  2. .off( events [, selector ] [, handler ] ): Remove event handler
  3. .one( events [, selector ] [, data ], handler ); Attach a handler to an event for the elements. The handler is executed at most once per element per event type.
  1. events: One or more space-separated event types( mouseenter, mouseleave, click etc.)
  2. selector: A selector string for filtering the descendants of the selected elements that trigger the event. 
  3. data: Data to be passed to the handler in when an event is triggered..
  4.  handler:  Function( Event eventObject [, Anything extraParameter ] [, ... ] ).  A function to execute when the event is triggered. 

# Example
Replace your html code with below code 

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
    <script src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>


        $(document).ready(function () {

            $("#button1").on("click", function () {

                alert("single event and single handler");

            //case2 : multiple event type and single handler function
            $("#button2").on("click mouseleave mouseenter", function () {

                $("span").text("multiple event type and single handler function").fadeIn("slow").fadeOut("slow");
            //case3 : pass data to the handler function
            $("#button3").on("click", { fname: "Ashish", lname: "Tiwary" }, function (event) {

                $("span").text( + " " +"slow").fadeOut("slow");

            //case4 : multiple event handler
                click: function () {

                    $("span").text("A click event");

                mouseenter: function () {
                    $("span").text("Mouse Enter event was triggered");



            //case5: passed all parameters
            $("div").on("click", "span", { fname: "Ashish", lname: "Tiwary" }, function (event) {

                $("#childSpan").text(" Child Span has recieved data = " + + " " +;

            //case6: condition based handler

            $("#button5").on("click mouseleave", function (event) {

                if (event.type == "click") {

                    $("#childSpan").text("It was click event");

                else {
                    $("#childSpan").text("It was a mouse Leave event");


            // OFF method
            $("#button6").on("click mouseleave", function (event) {                
                  alert("button was clicked or was mouse entered")


            //one Method

            $("#button7").one("click dblclick", function (event) {
                alert("click or dbl click")


        .btnclass {
            height: 200px;
            width: 200px;


    <div style="border:2px solid blue;color:green">
            <button id="button1" class="btnclass">simple handler </button>
            <button id="button2" class="btnclass">multiple event type</button>
            <button id="button3" class="btnclass">Passing data to handler</button>
            <button id="button4" class="btnclass">Multiple event handler</button>
            <button id="button5" class="btnclass">handler based on condition</button>
            <button id="button6" class="btnclass">OFF method</button>

            <button id="button7" class="btnclass">One method</button>

            <span class="btnclass" style="border:2px solid blue;color:red" id="childSpan">child span click </span>

    <span style="color:red;"></span>


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