Sunday, September 9, 2018

Part 4- How to use various Data types in Angular 5 Application - TypeScript Data Types

In this tutorial, You will learn about how to use data types in Angular 5 application. Here we will talk about the  useful data types available in TypeScript. If you are new to Angular then please also visit below Links Part1: Create your first Angular 5 application and Part2 :  How does Angular 5 works?

Useful Data Types( TypeScript)

  1. String
  2. Number 
  3. Array
  4. Any
  5. Boolean
  6. Tuple
  7. object
  8. Null
  9. void

Component.ts Code

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Employee } from './Employee';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
name: string;
age: number;
numArray: number[];
strArray: Array<string>;
dynamicValue: any;
IsTrue: boolean;
tupleVal: [string, number, boolean];
student: object;
employee: Employee;
constructor() {"Ashish";
this.age = 52;
this.numArray = [10, 11, 20];
this.strArray = ["Ashish", "Kumar", "Tiwary"];
this.dynamicValue = 10000;
this.IsTrue = false;
this.tupleVal = ["Ashish", 45, true];
this.student = { name: "Ashish", age: "45", email: "" }
this.employee = new Employee();
this.employee.Name = "Rose";
this.employee.Salary = 52000;
this.employee.Department = "Development";
this.employee.IsActive = true;
Test(mynum: number,str:string): number {

Component.Html Code

<div style="margin:3% 10% 10% 10%;border:2px solid gainsboro;padding:2% 2% 2% 2%; ">
<li>Name: {{name}}</li>
<li>Number Array: {{numArray}}</li>
<li>String Array: {{strArray}}</li>
<li>Dynamic value: {{dynamicValue}}</li>
<li>Is true: {{IsTrue}}</li>
<li>Student Object:{{student|json}}</li>
<li>Employee Class: {{employee|json}}</li>
<li *ngFor="let arr of strArray">

Employee.ts Class

export class Employee {
Name: string;
Salary: number;
Department: string;
IsActive: boolean;


For more details please watch above video.

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