Sunday, September 9, 2018

Part 1 -Create your first angular 5 application - Complete Installation guide

In this tutorial, You will learn about the basic installation of angular 5 and then creating your first project.  

Required Software:
1. node js (Latest version)- ( Recommended- v8.9.3 (LTS)
2. Your favorite IDE (Recommended- Visual Studio Code)

3. Web browser like Chrome, Mozilla etc.

Here are the steps that you can perform:-

Download & install- nodejs and VS Code
1. Visit nodejs official website and download and install node v8.9.3 (LTS)
2. Visit : visualstudio official website then download & install Visual Studio Code

3. Open – nodejs / windows command prompt 

Check node & npm version
1. Check node js version :  node -v

2. Check npm js version : npm -v

Install “Angular-CLI” using npm command 
a) Install “Angular CLI” globally :  npm install –g @angular/cli

b) Check angular cli Version:  ng -v

Create new application
a) Create new Project : ng new my-project --style=scss --routing 
b) Set application directory: cd my-project
c) Serve the application: ng serve
d) Open http://localhost:4200 in your browser

You are done! Please share, Like, Comment

Angular Code Factory

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