Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Part 61 - Download and Setup Complete Repository Pattern Project ( Asp.net MVC)

Hey guys, hope you have learned a lot of things from this tutorial series. So, I have decided to provide you complete project for no price. Yes you have heard it right. This project has lots of  features included. Here are the list of the things that you can get to learn from this project

  1. Multilayered Architecture
  2. Repository Pattern
  3. Dependency Injection using unity.mvc5
  4. Use of Jquery DataTable
  5. Use of Bootstrap 
  6. CRUD operations 
  7. Use of Partial Views 
  8. Use of Automapper
  9. Use of Entity framework 
  10. Use of ViewModels and DomainModels

You can visit below links to learn how to create multilayered architecture.

1.  Business Layer 
2. Domain Layer 
3. Data Access Layer 

Here are the steps to download and setup the project 

Step 1: Download the project zip file Here

step 2: After extracting the zip file, you will get two files. (a) Project solution file and (b) Database script 

step 3: Create a database with name MVCTutorial 
step 4: Execute "MVCTutorial Database script" in SQL server. You can also get the same from  zip file. 
Step 5 :  Update the data source in your connection string in App.config file (MVCTutorial.Repository) and Web.config file (MVCTutorial Web Layer)

Currently, In below connection string, you will see data source=HP-PC\SQLSERVER2014;  , Just update it to your local system data source. 

    <add name="MVCTutorialEntitiesContainer" connectionString="metadata=res://*/MVCTutorialEntities.csdl|res://*/MVCTutorialEntities.ssdl|res://*/MVCTutorialEntities.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;data source=HP-PC\SQLSERVER2014;initial catalog=MVCTutorial;integrated security=True;multipleactiveresultsets=True;application name=EntityFramework&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

Step 6: Run your project 
Step 7: You are done 

For complete demonstration, please watch above video 

All Code Factory

What Next => Nothing...You have everything to learn. Haven't  it?

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Unknown said...

Please upload tutorial on insert, Update, Delete and List View
by using using "SQL Stored Procedure" using Repository Pattern Project

Unknown said...

My esteemed teacher
Thank you so much
I learned a lot from you
Thank you from the depths

cengun said...

rar file corrupted. I am not able to open the file