Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Part 21 - Layout View in MVC

What is Layout View?
o    Layouts are used to maintain a consistent look and feel across multiple views within ASP.NET MVC application.
o   The layout view can be considered as the MasterPage.
o   Child pages are rendered through RenderBody() method.
o   All script and css file reference can be placed in layout page and can be accessible through all child pages.
o   Layout pages consist various methods which help to render script, css, page, and section.
o   Following are the main methods which are frequently used in layout
a.   @Styles.Render()
b.   @Scripts.Render()
c.   @RenderBody()
d.   @RenderSection()
e.   @RenderPage()
f.    @Html.RenderPartial()

General architecture of layout view

Structure of Layout

Layout is nothing but an html page which have all html tags .A layout consist the header, footer, and body section.

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